High Meat & Grain Free - Pork & Sweet Potato with Apple

A high-meat content dog food recipe for a complete and nutritionally balanced tasty treat. This hypoallergenic dog food is made with over 40% Farm Raised Pork and is completely grain-free. Our premium recipe is great for pooches of all shapes and sizes. 
Sweet potato is added to this grain-free dry dog food to act as a primary carbohydrate. This superfood has excellent digestibility so is perfect for sensitive stomachs too. It also is a powerful antioxidant that can free radical damage and help to prevent heart disease. Sweet potato gives your furry friend a boost in potassium as they contain a very high content of the essential mineral. This helps pooches maintain their weight, have a healthy diet and retain muscle mass. 
Glucosamine and Chondroitin are added to help maintain healthy joints. These can also aid with reducing inflammation and pain, restoring mobility and range of motion, and maintaining peak performance. Omega-3 is added to maintain a healthy coat and skin too, ensuring your pooch is fit and healthy ready to take on the day. 
This super-premium pork dog food recipe is nutritionally balanced, and has all of the vital vitamin’s dogs need to live a happy and healthy life! 

Regular price £13.49
  • 100% Delicious & complete
  • Contains over 40% Meat
  • High-Quality Pork Recipe
  • Hypo-Allergenic
  • Contains Joint Care Supplement
  • High in Omega 3 Oils
  • Made with All-Natural Ingredients
  • Made in Wales

Take a look at what's inside

Perfect for...

A Tasty High-Meat Meal
Made with 40% Farm Raised Pork, this recipe is packed with tasty meat and an excellent source of protein.
Grain-Free Feeding
Completely Grain-Free and hypo-allergenic, ensuring it is suitable for all dogs.
Healthy Lifestyles
Glucosamine and Chondroitin are added to help maintain healthy joints, with Omega-3 added to maintain a healthy skin and coat.

What our customers say ...

Goes down a treat every time -
"My two little dogs love this. They can be quite fussy, particularly the older one, but Pero Pork goes down a treat every time. Always have two clean bowls, and no upset stomachs since they've been on Pero!" - Jane

Clean bowls and happy dogs -
"My two boxers absolutely love this dog food. One of them has really bad flare ups of acute pancreatitis and colitis but he has been fine on this food. It's really good for delicate tummies. There is never one piece of kibble left in the bowl after feeding time! From an owners point of view, I like that the food is made in the UK using British ingredients" - Rachel

Hassle free switching -
"We have an Airdale Terrier who as a younger dog would eat anything but now as she is nearly 10 has become more fussy. We have fed her Pero dog food for many years and when she started leaving her food every night we srarted looking at other brands but still no joy. Unsure where to turn we were recommended the Pero range with a high meat content and she absolutely loves it. Head down in bowl and no break until it's all hone which is great to see again. No funny stomach upsets or messy walks which can often happen when you change food" - The Walkers

Our dogs have never been happier -
"We have three GSD's and this is the best food by far, we have owned GSD's for 15 years and our dogs have never been happier or healthier since having this dog food" - Colin


Analytical Constituents: Crude Protein 25%, Fat Content 10%, Inorganic Matter 10%, Crude Fibres 3%

Pork 40%, Sweet Potato 43%, Peas, Pure Chicken Oil, Alfalfa, Minerals, Chicken Digest, Yeasts, Linseed, Salmon Oil (1%), Apples (0.4%), Prebiotic MOS, Prebiotic FOS, Yucca Extract, Glucosamine, Chondroitin.

Additives (per kg): Vitamin A 24,500 IU, Vitamin D3 2,450 IU, Vitamin E 245 IU.

Trace Elements: Zinc chelate of amino acid hydrate 333mg, Zinc sulphate monohydrate 194mg, Manganese sulphate monohydrate 78mg, Cupric sulphate pentahydrate 40mg, Calcium iodate 2.46mg/kg, Selenised yeast (inactivated) 87mg. Antioxidant: Rosemary Extract.

Feeding Guide

Weight of Dog (KG)Daily Feed (G)
10 - 15175 - 275
15 - 20275 - 335
20 - 25335 - 400
30 - 35400 - 450
35 - 40510 - 560