What to do if your Dog Suddenly Becomes a Fussy Eater

A common misconception with dogs is that owners assume that they will eat pretty much anything. For many dogs, this statement is true as they can be very food-orientated and would eat anything all day if they could. However, some dogs can be quite fussy about the food in the bowls. They may only like a particular flavour, brand or would rather eat the food you eat which isn’t good for them as our food doesn’t provide them with the rich nutrients they need.

In fact, this is more common than you might think with over half of dog owners stating their dog is a fussy eater. This can be due to feelings of anxiety or digestive issues, as well as a number of other reasons. Naturally, if your dog stops eating and won’t even sniff the meals in their bowls, owners can be concerned. This is especially the case if your furry friend is usually fine with their food, and they suddenly turn into a fussy dog that won’t eat. Don’t worry as Pero is here to help you figure out why your dog has suddenly become a fussy eater and what to do when this happens. There are many ways to help your picky pooch find their appetite once more. Discover them in this blog and explore our highly nutritious, organic and gentle dog food for fussy eaters to get them eating again.

Signs of a fussy eater

There are a few easy-to-spot signs of a fussy eater when it comes to your furry friend. The main sign to look out for in your dog is if they are uninterested in their food but want yours or only want their favourite tasty treat. If your pooch just wants to snack or have scraps from your plate, then they’re usually looking for other food than their usual meal. The best thing to do if your dog shows this sign is to resist the temptation of giving them their treats as a snack or bits of your food as this encourages their behaviour and can lead to them not getting the nutrients their body needs.

Another sign is if your canine companion sniffs the food in their bowl and pushes it about without eating it. They could even not touch it after sniffing it. If you notice this, then you need to find fussy dog food alternatives that they will like. However, if your dog doesn’t go near it or isn’t interested in any of their meals this can be a sign that something is wrong with their health, and they need to see a vet as soon as possible.

What can cause your pooch to be a fussy eater?

If your fussy dog is refusing to eat, it can leave you with many questions about what can be causing it to swirl around in your mind. Being fussy or having a loss of appetite can happen due to a variety of reasons, the tricky part is finding out the exact reason for your canine companion.

It can be as simple as your pooch just having a preference and favourite food, exactly like us humans. They may not like the smell, taste or texture of the food you are putting in their bowls. This may mean you need to switch the brand of the food to dog food for fussy eaters. When you do this, you may find the brand your dog loves through trial and error.

Another reason that can cause being picky with food is the dog food you are providing your furry friend with may be hard for them to digest. Some pooches have sensitive stomachs and allergies that can cause food to stay in their stomachs, taking ages to digest. If you think this is the case for your dog, then Pero has the best food for fussy dogs as we have a range of super-sensitive food that is designed for dogs with sensitive stomachs.

Suddenly becoming a fussy eater can be due to your pooch stuffing themselves with too many treats and snacks. This can be begging for your food or for their favourite treats and it could all be a form of manipulation to get what they want, leaving no room for a proper meal.

Other dogs can simply just not be food-orientated, have an underlying issue like an allergy, dental issues or issues with their sense of smell, and they can have anxiety issues and guard their food.

What to do when a fussy dog won’t eat

Due to the many reasons that can suddenly cause a fussy dog who won’t eat, it’s best to get your furry friend checked out by your vet. This will help you determine options that can be causing it and rule out any serious implications that need attending to quickly. Factors like illness, allergies and certain medications can be the cause of this which your vet can help with. Speaking to your vet can give you clarity and the best action to take to turn the fussy habits around, as well as give you peace of mind.

How to get a fussy dog to eat

If your pooch is showing clear signs of being a fussy eater there are several things you can try to see if you can encourage them to get eating again before they see their vet. It can be concerning when you don’t know how to get a fussy dog to eat. Try our ways to see if they help with the problem:

  • Reduce treat consumption: Reducing your pooch’s treat consumption considerably can help them to eat proper meals. Only give them treats as a reward or for training purposes and avoid feeding your dog from your plate to discourage eating your food as this is bad for their health. Ensure everyone in your household is on the same page to stop overfeeding on treats.
  • Make meals more appetising: The look, texture and taste of dog food can be off putting for your dog. Get their lips licking with tasty toppings to make their food different. This can be a little meat or mixing wet food with dry or adding a splash of warm water for the dry food to soak to release the tasty aromas.
  • Have a sturdy meal routine: Feed your pooch at the same time and in the same space daily to encourage healthy eating habits. Pick a space they are comfortable in so they can relax and enjoy their food. Ensure there are no distractions from other dogs or children and try to avoid grazing by leaving the bowl out all day.
  • Make meals interactive: Use interactive feeding toys or slow feeders that release dry food as your furry friend plays. Slow bowls and lick mats also can be used for raw and mixed foods. These methods can help dogs eat as they take the focus away from the food and turn it into fun.
  • Switch the brand of food: If they’re struggling to eat or digest their current dog food, try switching the brand to a fussy dog food that suits them. They may not want to eat due to the taste, texture, smell or look of their current food.

Things to consider for a fussy dog who won’t eat

It’s important to consider factors that can help your pooch regain an appetite aside from the methods above. This is aspects such as consistency with your furry friend. Being consistent is key for dogs as it teaches them correct behaviour and can encourage healthy eating habits. To achieve this, you need to ignore your pooch’s begging for treats or your food and give them plenty of attention and praise when they eat from their bowls. Consistently doing this shows your dog that they need to eat what’s in their bowls, teaching them healthy and correct eating habits. If your dog doesn’t eat with praise, take their bowl away after 10 minutes and ignore any begging for treats or other food. Put a fresh bowl back down a couple of hours later until they learn.

Another aspect to consider is if they’re refusing to eat because your furry friend has worked out that being picky gets them lots of attention from you. If this is the case, again, it’s best to ignore your pooch until they eat a proper meal.

An unusual thing to consider is the type of bowl you are using to serve your dog’s food in. Some dogs don’t like certain shaped bowls as they find it hard to eat or drink out of. These could be unusual-shaped bowls, stainless steel or glass bowls, ceramic bowls, large bowls or even small bowls. To combat this, change these aspects of their bowl to a different material and shape. In stainless steel and glass bowls, some dogs don’t like seeing their reflection when eating and causes them to stop. Try switching to a ceramic bowl so there’s no reflection.

Best dog food for fussy eaters in the UK

Pero has the best food for fussy dogs to entice them to eat proper meals daily once more. We have tailored our food to create a lip-licking recipe that even the fussiest of pooches will adore. Our Fussy Eater Gold with Pasta has been expertly blended and coated with natural cereal extracts, meat meals and poultry oils to give fussy dogs refusing to eat a moist and extremely tasty meal. We have added pasts to provide an essential source of carbohydrates to provide your furry friend with energy. Try our dog food for fussy eaters and get your dog eating properly again to give your canine companion vital nutrients and energy.