Paws Out and About #49


Sorry we've been busy moving since we last posted our adventure to you! We haven't moved far just from the kitchen into the garage! So the garage has been cleaned and painted inside, spotlights and a greenhouse wall heater installed and radio on a timer. Myself and Lola-Magnolia have the back part with my beer barrel bed and Lola's huge bean bag, our food bowls, and toys in a basket. The cats (Peeps, Freda and Evie have the front half with their beds on a garden bench, litter tray and food bowls. All our food and snacks are in a cupboard which the Peeps could never open to eat everything as she normally does.

After a run around the garden and toilet time, we all go in for our supper around 6pm. Our radio comes on around 7pm on Classic FM (getting us ready for the fireworks season which has already stated here last week) and then the greenhouse heater comes on around 8pm until 2am. I've heard the Human outside listening for us, but as it so warm and relaxing with the music, we are all too lazy to move until morning.

I think Human opens up around 7.30am so we can go and have a run around, toilet break then breakfast before Human goes to work, radio comes on again for about 20 minutes at 8am, then we come and go as we please under the supervision of Grandad Human. If it rains Granny Human sends us all in with lots of treats!

Our indoor cctv has been ordered so human can check on us during the night especially with the fireworks going off. Since moving to our new pad I havent felt the need to bark at so many noises as I cannot hear the toilet flushing, the kettle boiling or the miserable teenagers raiding the kitchen cupboards during the night. Plus I can surprise the Postman has he walks down to the house instead of barking at him from the front door. Lola-Magnolia just likes licking his legs, his fault for wearing shorts all year plus he doesnt walk that fast to escape us.

Woof Lola-Magnolia